Learn To Catch Bigger Catfish

Best catfish rigs
Get the Inside Scoop on the Best Catfish Rigs There are plenty of ways to catch catfish, and you can use different types of catfish rigs depending on where you live, the time of year, and the type of catfish you want to catch. But what are the best catfish...

Introduction To Drift Fishing, Part 1: Location
See the other parts of this training here: Overview Part 2: Rigs for catfish drift fishing Part 3: Bait for catfish drift fishing

Introduction To Drift Fishing, Part 3: Bait
See the other parts of this training here: Overview Part 1: Locations for catfish drift fishing Part 2: Rigs for catfish drift fishing

Introduction To Drift Fishing, Part 2: Rig
See the other parts of this training here: Overview Part 1: Locations for catfish drift fishing Part 3: Baits for catfish drift fishing

How Important Is A Sinker Slider?
The Main Point: In this article, I have one point to make and the data to prove it: If you aren't using sinker sliders, you're at risk of losing fish and tackle. Bare Weight Sinker Slider Here's the test: Tie a 12" piece of line to a scale and a...